THE Port Adelaide players are preparing for anything ahead of this weekend’s training camp in the Flinders Ranges.

Fitness coach Cameron Falloon has made a point of keeping his charges on their toes since arriving at the club in October and this year’s camp will be no exception.

The players have been told to pack their bags ready for an immediate departure, but have not been told when the departure will be.

Young ruckman/forward Matthew Lobbe’s had his gear ready and waiting since Wednesday morning.

“I’ve packed my stuff, but I’m not sure when were going. We don’t even know when we’re coming back … they said Sunday night, but who knows,” Lobbe said.

“I’ve got my stuff ready in the back of the car and I’ll be ready to go whenever they say.”

New recruit Jarrad Redden has only been at Alberton three weeks, but already he’s learned to expect the unexpected during pre-season training.

“Last Friday, we were told that we were going to play soccer, but it ended up being a triathlon,” Redden said.

“The triathlon was a lot harder than a game of soccer … it was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done. So, the surprises are not new and I’m getting used to it.”

Developing ruckman Jon Giles took part in the club’s gruelling trip to Kangaroo Island two years ago and said he was expecting a similarly tough camp this time around.

“I don’t know if I can get ready for it. I just want to come back alive,” Giles said with a laugh.

“They gave us a list of stuff to pack and that was it. We don’t know when we’re leaving, when we’re coming back or where we’re even going really.”

The players will be notified of their departure time via phone late Thursday night or Friday morning after which they will have 30 minutes to get themselves to Alberton.

Port Adelaide will break for Christmas on the 22nd of December and resume on January 5.