Voss on the team’s injuries
“I personally don’t care to blame the missing personnel - that would be an easy out for our Football Club. It would also be an easy out for the players and it would be an easy out for me.”

“It would be nice to have our better players out there, but we need more than that. At the moment we lack that uncompromising nature we started the season with.”

Voss on the players’ efforts
“Sometimes I think the effort we put in is not always channelled in the right direction. We’re just being inconsistent in our efforts.”

“We just can’t string our good efforts together - whether that’s in passages of play, decision-making or overall contests. Our good efforts are often followed by bad efforts. That’s where the inconsistencies come in.”

“We’re getting it from some individuals, but not collectively as a team.”

Voss on the team’s commitment
“Off the field, the guys have committed pretty strongly to a lot of things.”

“Are we doing everything possible? Perhaps not, based on where we’re at. We’re penny-pinching a little bit.”

Voss on his personal feelings towards the team
“I’m pretty angry.”

“We’ve let something slip and that’s where a lot of that anger lies. Some of it has been unavoidable and out of our control and some has been very much in our control.”

“We had a great opportunity at the start of the year to continue our momentum and we lost that.”

“We’ve been constantly educating and reinforcing what’s required from our leaders and we’ll continue to do that.”

“The system we’ve got works. I am categorically 100% sure that what we’re doing works. We just have to be able to apply it all the time, not just some of the time.”

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