May White has never liked surprises. That all changed today when she received a special visit from the LeasePlan Western Bulldogs to help celebrate her 100th birthday.

Bulldogs young gun Easton Wood got the party started by visiting the Maribyrnong home of the club’s oldest female member before tomorrow’s big day.
“I’m shocked. I had no idea someone from the Bulldogs was coming to say happy birthday,” the lifelong Dogs fan said.   

To mark the occasion Wood presented her with a signed birthday card from Senior Coach Rodney Eade, a signed 2008 team poster and a bunch of flowers.

The club has also given May an upgraded membership card that will give her access to the Grand Final should the Bulldogs be playing.

“The team is going so well this year. (Adam) Cooney and Murph (Robert Murphy) are playing really well. Hopefully we can win it this year like we did in 1954.” May said.

“I listen to every game on the radio because it can be bit cold to go and watch these days. My favourite player is Brad Johnson, I think he does a good job as captain.”

Wood said it is members like May who help give the club a great community identity.

“This goes to show that you are never too old, or too young for that matter, to be part of the club. It’s nice to be able to come out and give May something back from the club she has supported her whole life,” Wood said.

May’s daughter Joyce Turner, who is a Top Dogs coterie member, said it has been a big week for her Mum.

“We have got a family function tomorrow night and then her friends at the senior citizens club are throwing her a party on Monday.”

“I think she surprises people when she meets them with how switched on she is. She had a pacemaker implanted into her heart last November but it hasn’t slowed her down at all,” Joyce said.

Asked what the secret was behind her longevity May said staying active and getting out as much as possible was important.
“I play carpet bowls once a week and enjoy getting into the garden. I also like to meet new people.”

She said the only thing she wants now is for her beloved Doggies to win against Port Adelaide in Darwin tomorrow night.

“I’ll be listening on the radio again. Hopefully they can have a win for my birthday.”