FORMER Brisbane Lion Jared Brennan expects his old team-mates to physically pressure him in Saturday night's inaugural Queensland derby against the Gold Coast at the Gabba but said it was "water off a duck's back".

Brennan, who played eight seasons with the Lions before switching to the Suns in the off-season, said being targeted by oppositions was nothing new to him and something he fully expected.

The skilful utility said the game - which pits Brennan and 2010 Lions best and fairest Michael Rischitelli against their former club - definitely had an extra edge to it.

"I'd be lying if I said it wasn't a little bit different," he said.

"I've got some really good mates there and speak to them regularly but they're competitors and I'm a competitor so we know we'll shake hands before the game and after the game but during the game they'll go for the hard ball and I'll go for the hard ball.

"They'll probably try (to get under his skin), but that's football. Lots of teams try to get under my skin but hopefully that's water off a duck's back and we'll see how we go."

Brennan said he expected some light hearted banter from his former team-mates during the week.

"I'll definitely get some text messages. I spoke to a couple of the boys yesterday, a bit of banter but that's probably all it is until you hit the field," he said.

Rischitelli, who played with Lions for seven seasons, was keeping his cards closer to his chest.

"It's a big game for the club, big game for the players. We've played them in the practice match and we're looking forward to it, it's another game so the boys will have a good week on the track," he said.

"Jarz (Brennan) and myself are pretty keen to get out there and get this week out of the way and play some footy."

Rischitelli, 25, said he was not nervous ahead of the clash, but "looking forward to it" and said it would be great to get some rivalry going in Queensland.

"It's going to be good for the club and good for Queensland, a lot of the guys will be up for it.

"As long as I do my role and my job for the team that's all you can ask."