Born: 15/03/84

Star sign: Pisces

Best memory of junior footy: Winning every premiership in junior footy

Memory from your first AFL game: I can’t remember much at all because I was so nervous

Toughest opponent: Brad Scott

Best player you’ve seen: Simon Black

Club you supported as a youngster: Essendon

Most annoying teammate: Lewis Roberts-Thomson

Greatest fear: Claustrophobic

Who is your greatest inspiration: My brothers

Most difficult decision you’ve ever had to make: Choosing between football and basketball

If I had three wishes, I would wish for: Lots of money, happiness, to marry a model

If I auditioned for Australian Idol, I would sing: Maroon 5- She’d be loved

Best subject at high school: PE

Which actor would play you in a film about your life: Heath Ledger

Three people you would invite to dinner: Scott McGlone, Daniel Hunt and Josh Thewlis

What would you spend your last $20 on: Food

Signature dish: Stir fry

I know I should, but I just can’t throw out my: Whole wardrobe

Worst purchase in the name of fashion: Anything flannelette

Favourite fashion item: Thongs

Best finance tip you’ve ever been given: To listen to my own instincts

If I bought a racehorse, I’d call it: Wambulance

My favourite photo in the family album (please describe): My mates and I home in Albury

Top 3 things you aim to do after football: Get a job, buy a house, buy a Ferrari

New Year’s resolution: To get a kick!