On Wednesday and Thursday we asked you, the fans, to send in any questions via the website that you would like to ask me. I was very pleased with the response and thank you for taking the time to write in.

Unfortunately, I couldn't get to them all this week but I have been assured that I will get another shot, along with the four other website ambassadors...two of which you are yet to meet! The next time could be as early as next week, depending on our schedule for the split round.

We love hearing from you guys so please write to us through the website when there's that chance...and GO DOGGIES!

Jason - 6.05pm Wednesday, June 09 2010

Hey Andrejs,

Firstly, I’ve bumped into you a few times at the footy and you always make time to say hi ... so thanks for being a gentleman. I just wanted to say your form for Willy has been really impressive and I got no doubt that you will find your way back into the seniors shortly.... We all have our opinions and I believe you should be there. But I understand it can be difficult at times when we are blessed with such a talented bunch of guys.

Just want to let you know to keep positive, I know your chance will come ... you are a star.

Now for my question.... if given the choice now to play in any spot in the Bulldogs line up right now, what would be your one desired position?

Cheers mate

G’day Jason, thanks for that. I would choose the wing, as I feel my running ability is best suited there. I’ve been playing forward at Willy and haven’t minded having a run around up there.

Rocky - 4.13pm Wednesday, June 09 2010

Hey Andrejs good luck this week does your brother Spida give you much advice about your game?

Hi Rocky, nar he doesn’t really give me too much advice. I think this is because we are two very different players and the game has changed so much since he left. When we talk it is more about things other than footy.

Rae Desmond - 10:59am , June 09 2010

Hi I have watched you develop over the last few years and was so glad to see such an improvement in you this year. How disappointing was it to get an injury when you are playing so well? I hope you are back in the team soon.

Hi Rae, thanks for your comment. It was very disappointing, because you have a couple of weeks off and then you have to go through Willy and that isn’t really where I want to be playing. Hopefully I’ll be back in the team soon, I now have to put the injury aside and play consistent footy over the next few weeks to get back into the team.

Maria Nowicka - 11.42am Wednesday, June 09 2010

Hi Andrejs. Do you have a nickname we can call you? Like your big brother ‘Spida”?

Hello Maria. Yes, they call me Dre aka Dr Dre as I can bust out a mean rap ha-ha, not really.

Darryl O’Connor - 1:31pm Wednesday, June 09 2010

Well Andrejs when you are not pushing yourself for a senior game, do you play golf outside out side of football & what is your handicap? What work would you like to do after football?



Hi Darryl, well yes you're right on the money. I do enjoy golf, getting a handicap as we speak. I’m looking to do some work placement in the next few weeks in interior decorating and design.

Patience - 6:08pm, Wednesday, June 09 2010

Will you every grow your dreadlocks back? Or were they a pain?

Hi Patience, you wouldn’t believe it but I get asked this a lot! I probably won’t, they aren’t a pain but I think that phase has past.

Rick Powell - 9:08 AM Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hi Andrejs ,
We as supporters can be a bit impatient when young players are first drafted to the club especially if they are  highly regarded , I am interested what the main issues you found trying to establish yourself at AFL level and when you actually became more confident playing at this level? good luck for the remainder of the year.

G’day Rick. The main issue would be you go from playing against kids the same age, same weight to playing against men a lot stronger, quicker and more experienced. You start becoming more confident after you string a few games together. I’m working hard on trying to mature as a player.

Janelle - 7:17 AM Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hey Andrejs, firstly, Go Doggies!! We all know life of an AFL footballer is very hectic and full on, but I`d like to know what does you week involve being at such an elite level in your life?

Hi Janelle, good question. A typical week would start like:

Monday- Still very recovery based, with all the meetings and follow up from the last weeks games.

Tuesday- Start with a swim in the morning and then back to the Club for a run around and light skills.

Wednesday/Thursday- Depending what day we play one of these will be a day off, but this will be an intense training session to get ready for the game.

Friday- Is just light skills more focused on getting the game plan right.

Monique Bugeja - 8:12 PM Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Hi Andrejs
I love the way you have developed as a player. Were you overwhelmed with being given the "famous" no: 3 Guernsey? I love it when you are put into the ruck, you add that "X" factor which I believe is needed from time to time. Good luck with the rest of your career.

Hi Monique, yeah when I got the call off Chris Grant I was extremely shocked but in saying that it was a huge honour. I don’t want people to judge me because of the number I was given, but I want to make my own history for the number as well.

scragger - 7:18 PM Wednesday, June 09, 2010

hey andrejs,
if you went on a road trip and had to take 4 others from our club, who would you take and why? can be players, coaching staff, fans etc

Hey Scragger, tough question mate. First would be ‘Step-hen’ Tiller because he is probably my best mate at the Club, he can have the front seat. Second, Easton Wood always good for some tunes. Third Grub (James Mulligan) never a dull moment when he is around and fourth to keep us all in line Dale ‘Family man’ Morris.

** To read a full list of the questions submitted to Andrejs please click here**