As part of our ongoing work in new and emerging communities, Western Bulldogs community division SpiritWest Services organised a school holiday excursion not to be missed at Geelong Adventure Park last week.

Youth between the ages of 10-18 who have been in Australia for under 5 years were invited for the day of fun and it was great to see such a good turnout despite the less than desirable weather.

Western Bulldogs Settlement Grants Program Officer, Mark De Campo was lucky enough to take part in the day and said “it was a great day for all; the rain definitely didn’t dampen anyone’s mood.”

“It was great to see another success, with those attending the outing making new friends and enjoying some of the special facilities the Western Region has to offer.”

For most in attendance it was their first opportunity to visit an adventure park and we’d like to thank Wyndham Youth Services, the New Hope Foundation and the Geelong Adventure Park staff for helping SpiritWest Services make the day possible.