When did you first join the Sydney Swans and what membership will you hold in 2011?

I first joined as a Melbourne based Member in 1986 and have held continuous Membership since that time. I actually have two Full Blooded Member 8 Gold Concourse memberships which I renewed in late November; I did not want to run the risk of losing my seats!

What do you like most about being a member?  

The camaraderie in the crowd & also the opportunity to provide some financial assistance to the Club. I actually live in Cairns and have done since 1987 but i try to use my Membership as much as I can, there is nothing better than going to the footy.

What is your all-time favourite Swans moment? What made it so special?

Seeing the Swans win the AFL Premiership at the MCG in 2005 was the happiest day of my life. I was lucky enough to share it with my brother who is a Melbourne based Member & two other dear friends. Many years of taking jibes from other Clubs supporters were finally put to rest; Sydney had arrived as an AFL power.

What was your favourite moment in 2010? Describe why it was so good. 

Seeing Daniel Bradshaw kick that long goal after the siren in Round 6. That goal just epitomised all the Swans stand for, & the excitement & euphoria of his fellow players and supporters was great to see.
Who is your favourite Swans player and why are they your favourite?   

Jude Bolton, a great consistent hard ball getter who leaves nothing in the tank. He demonstrates to all & sundry just what the Sydney work ethic stands for. Time & time again he bores into packs without fear or favour, not even considering the risks to himself. Put simply he is a team player and someone that you would pick in your side every day of the week.

Where do you sit at the SCG? Why do you love these seats?

I sit in Gold seats on the Brewongle Concourse almost behind the goals in Bay 26. My two seats are on the end of a row so I have easy access in coming & going. I have a terrific view straight down the ground & love the atmosphere that comes with sitting close to the fence.

What do you like most about coming to Swans matches?   

The atmosphere & the friendships that I have formed with my fellow Swans supporters is amazing. The crowd is always excited & it is a great family friendly atmosphere. There is nothing better than going to a game at the SCG and seeing the crowd covered in Red & White, I am sure that is a very daunting sight for both opposition players and supporters.

Any final words for the team?

Keep up the great effort from 2010 & carry it through to 2011, go the Swannies!