Kurt Tippett will write occasional blogs for www.afc.com.au this season. In his first effort, the Crows forward runs through the 24 hours leading into last Sunday’s game against North Melbourne...

I’m still too nervous to get in the car with my housemate Aidan Riley (after we had a bingle on the way to the airport in the pre-season), so Dogga’s wife, Sara, picked Nathan and I up for a strict 2.05pm airport check in.

Be late and you will have a very stern B.J. (team manager) to answer to.

The full complement of travellers including Board members, doctors, physio’s, trainers, coaches and players converge on the comforts of the Virgin lounge before we hit the airways. A lot of the talk this week centred around who would win the French Open or the NBA Finals. C’mon Miami!

I am very grateful for the extra legroom in the exit seats when we fly. But I think I have heard the emergency exit spiel that many times I could do the session next time. “Are you all aware you are sitting in an emergency exit today and in the unlikely event of an emergency will be required to operate the exit…….”

The flight is usually spent listening to music, reading or scoffing at Jaenschy’s ridiculous stories about his career to date. I was head down in my new book, Decoded by Jay Z.

Straight off the plane it is usually a race to the closest toilet as the boys put a premium on staying hydrated during travel and are normally ready to burst as we get off the plane. The new trend at the baggage carousel is “bag lotto” where a “pool” of cash is collected for whoever is lucky enough to have their bag come off first. Sammy Jacobs was in the cash this week!

At 6.15pm dinner is served in our hotel. We are treated to a large selection of different rice and pasta dishes, meats, salads and breads. Dessert is my favourite part of the evening, I simply can’t resist some of the apple crumble. I have quickly learnt that you have to get in quick before it is tampered with. Straight after dinner I like to turn on a computer and spend 15 or so minutes watching more footage of the opposition to familiarise myself with how they like to play.

The rest of the evening is spent however we desire. Some choose to get a rub or some treatment from the physiotherapists. Others choose to get together and watch the footy. Local Melbourne lads spend time with friends and family before having an early night. I normally have a stretch, get a quick rub and spend the night laughing at Tex and the boys before hitting the sack in anticipation of a big game the following day.

Breakfast the next morning is served downstairs in the hotel restaurant. We are lucky to have the choice of almost anything imaginable so it’s a great test of discipline. From here the boys generally engage in some type of light physical activity whether it be a walk, stretch or a swim to loosen up and get the body moving. The rest of the day is spent preparing in anyway we see fit. Last Saturday morning I took the opportunity to grab a quick coffee with a couple of friends on Chapel St before returning to the hotel for my pre-game snack and to jump on the bus to Etihad Stadium.

The bus ride is where a lot of guys start their “game time” routine. It is usually a quiet trip from the hotel to the stadium as guys start to prepare mentally for the task ahead. Almost everyone on the bus has earphones in and is listening to their favourite music. This short trip was a bit more eventful than usual as Brad Moran (who was about to play his first AFL game in nearly two years) decided to get on the bus and have a nervous spew.

Once we arrive at the stadium it is business as usual as we follow our normal pre-game protocol. We have a quick walk on the ground and then go into a short team meeting, where the coach runs through some of the things we have been talking about during the week. There is then a bit of a gap before we have the main on-field warm-up, so I go out on the ground and kick some goals (and occasionally a point). We then have a quick areas meeting before the warm-up, and once we come back inside we get into full playing strip, have a noisy in-room group warm-up and then Neil has a last word to the team. Then it’s time to file out into the race and get set to go out through the banner.

Catch ya next time!

Kurt @KurtTippett4