The Peter Crimmins Medal awards night for the Clubs' Best and Fairest on Saturday was memorable for many reasons.
Our wonderful staff had the room looking an absolute treat, and a great night ensued.
It was wonderful that our former Club great Dermott Brereton was good enough, and at no cost, to be our master of ceremonies.

Our guests were wonderfully entertained by Dermott and his strong voice meant he was able to control the night, which is not always easy. Thank you Dermie.
The winner of the coveted Peter Crimmins Medal for the second time was Luke Hodge, in what was a run-away win from Lance Franklin and Sam Mitchell.

Congratulations to Luke and our runner-up and third place. You are natural leaders of our Club and we have high expectations of you all in leading us to the top four by season’s end next year.
In particular well done Luke, a great individual recognition. That said, I know your number one priority has always been the team rather than individual recognition.

Sam Mitchell passes the Captaincy baton to Luke Hodge
In what was a surprise to the vast majority in the room, our Captain of the last three years and 2008 Premiership Captain Sam Mitchell, announced that after a lot of thought he was passing the captaincy on to Luke Hodge.
You might remember in 2007 when Richie Vandenberg retired as Captain, the players and coaches recommended to the Board that Sam Mitchell and Luke Hodge be appointed joint captains of our Club.

The Board rejected the concept and sent Sam and Luke away to resolve the issue.

After numerous consultations, Sam and Luke returned to the Board with a decision that placed Sam as Captain and Luke as his Deputy.
This arrangement has worked very well for the Club. Both men have worked closely together and led a young group of men to the 2008 premiership.
After three years in the job, Sam decided he wanted Luke Hodge to have the same opportunities of leadership that he has had, in particular leading the team to a premiership.
Such a decision by Sam, is wonderfully considerate, given he still has many playing years ahead of him.
I, on behalf of the Board, our administration, members, sponsors and supporters want to thank Sam most sincerely for his outstanding leadership of our playing group, and the selfless way in which he has arranged this transition of leadership.

The fact that this passing of the baton did not leak in any way to the media prior to Saturday night will give all confidence in the professional way in which the Club conducts its affairs.
To Luke Hodge, congratulations on the great honour of becoming Captain of our Club. You are the 35th person to have the honour.
I know you have big shoes to fill in succeeding Sam Mitchell and you join some of the most distinguished sons of Hawthorn to be so recognised. I know you are ready to accept the challenge.
Captaincy comes with responsibility both on and off the field.

We know you will discharge those responsibilities well. Every person brings their own personality and skills to the task of leadership and no two people are the same.
Luke will now commence to define what his captaincy represents, as he together with the coaches develop the team for a successful 2011.
So as I said, the Peter Crimmins Medal night for 2010 was memorable for many reasons.
And it came after the conduct of the Repeat Grand Final.
Congratulations to all at Collingwood, your success was well earned, after a wonderfully consistent year.

You are entitled to your celebrations having won your second grand final in 50 years.

We look forward to meeting you again on the field next year.
To all our members - it is time to renew your memberships. Let the rebuilding start.

The failures of 2010 are acknowledged, the lessons learned, and we are now focused on the challenge of 2011.
Stay well,
Jeff Kennett