ESSENDON coach Matthew Knights will hold off on all decisions regarding his players' individual futures until the end of the season, and still "believes" in the list he was handed late last year.

The Bombers have won just two games from seven starts this year and are 13th on the ladder ahead of round eight.

Knights, on the day he conceded opportunities for experienced midfielders Damien Peverill and Jason Johnson would be limited this year, said he won't make any final calls on careers until the end of the home and away season.

"I don't think players' careers are on the line," he said on Tuesday at Windy Hill. "We won't be making any judgements on players' careers until the end of the year, until I've seen a full season of players.

"I've said all along that I believe in this list, and they're the players that have got to predominantly do it for this club – the list that is in place now.

"There are no decisions, or careers on the line, on my agenda here and now.

"It's only round seven, and we've got a lot of the season left. We're really positive about the season ahead, and that's what we can concentrate on."

The Bombers will take on Sydney at ANZ Stadium on Sunday, with Knights optimistic that a week's break for his men was beneficial

"In essence, I was asked that question and I said I would have liked to have played five days after our performance against Port Adelaide, because it wasn't good enough," he said.

"But, what [the break] has allowed, it's allowed us to get some training into these guys, particularly (Mark) McVeigh, (Sam) Lonergan, (Dustin) Fletcher, and Kyle Reimers and Jason Laycock got runs with Bendigo.

"The week off has certainly helped our club, there's no question about that, to be able to bring bodies back into the team with a bit more maturity."

He said the general bye also allowed for some theory lessons regarding the side's offensive game plan, which had been positively received by the players.

"We've just had to realign with some of our game learning and our game teaching, and just adjust in a few areas of our game, which in the last two weeks we've had the opportunity to do that," he said.

"We've had some really spirited sessions on the training track, the players have been really aggressive and up and about, and I've been really proud of the way they've attacked their football in the last two weeks even though we haven't played a game.

"I think that's a great indication of the spirit of the group and where they're trying to head, and they feel comfortable with that. They've been really spirited and really quite good in the past couple of weeks."

Knights said "six to seven" players would be considered for selection, with Fletcher (adductor), McVeigh (hamstring), Lonergan (hamstring) and Reimers (foot) all required to complete Wednesday's training session "with flying colours".