Troy Cook has joined together with another 18 high profile Western Australians to champion the urgency and importance of getting more Western Australians, more active, more often.

At a recent reception at Parliament House, Premier Alan Carpenter joined the Governor, His Excellency Dr Kenneth Michael, to announce the formation of a group of 19 ‘be active WA Ambassadors’.

Other selected 'be active WA Ambassadors' include former Australian of the Year Dr Fiona Wood, Australian cricketer Justin Langer and Police Commissioner Karl O’Callaghan.

Already the Patron of the Fremantle Football Club, the Governor was also named Patron of the broad ranging group of Ambassadors.

"I enjoy being a role model and if i can motivate people to live a healthier lifestyle, that's an important message to be getting across to the wider community," said Troy Cook. "The aim of the Ambassadors is to try and get the community as a whole to change their habits and actually make an effort to exercise, even find 30 minutes a day for a walk with family or friends."

"It's important that the changes start today and i am looking forward to playing my part as one of the Ambassadors," he siad.

Minister for Sport and Recreation John Kobelke said the evidence is now overwhelming that declining levels of physical activity will impact significantly on every Western Australian.

“Physical inactivity has serious implications for physical and mental health, the environment and the economy.

“Research by the Taskforce has revealed that nearly half of Western Australian adults are not physically active for good health.

“It also shows that 60% of men, 40% of women and a quarter of Western Australian children are overweight or obese,” said Mr Kobelke.

Under the whole of government, whole of community banner of ‘be active wa’, the Ambassadors will work with the Premier’s Physical Activity Taskforce to help champion physical activity in their respective spheres of influence.

“As well recognised and respected members of our community, we anticipate the ‘be active Ambassadors’ will help us in our cause to firstly bring attention to this issue and then help motivate positive action,” said Mr Kobelke.

“This is a whole-of-community problem that requires whole-of-community effort to support Western Australians to lead more active and healthier lives.

“Troy Cook has many supporters and provides an excellent role model to children on how rewarding and fun being active can be.

“The breadth of depth of the group of be active wa Ambassadors provide a tremendously strong support base to help champion this increasingly urgent issue,” he added.