Announcements and Best Wishes

In this newsletter we announce the winners of the Healthy School Awards, ask that you share your thoughts on 1Seven with us in our final survey for 2008 and provide a couple of articles that offer food for thought over the holidays and into the New Year.

We’d like to wish you all a safe, relaxing and healthy festive season and look forward to sharing 1Seven with you in 2009.


What Do Kids Want?

What do Australian children see as being important to their health and wellbeing? A NSW study provides valuable insights. ...more


Perfect Timing

Racehorses train before dawn. Swimmers train before breakfast. Professional tennis players might still be on court at midnight. So is there an ideal time of day for exercise if we want to get the best possible results? ...more


As the year draws to a close please take the time complete our final 1Seven survey for the 2008 to help us with planning for 2009 and beyond. Everyone who completes the survey and provides their details will go in a prize draw to win signed sporting equipment from our 1Seven sporting ambassadors. Click here to complete the survey


This was an exciting competition enabling schools involved in the 1Seven program to promote some of their health and physical activity initiatives. Congratulations to the following schools who were the winners of the inaugural 1Seven Healthy School Awards:

  • Maranatha Christian College – Waikiki, W.A
  • Stradbroke Schools – Rostrevor, S.A
  • St Dominic’s P.S – East Camberwell, VIC

These schools will receive a sports kit and an Australian Football signed by Robert Harvey and a Netball signed by Sharelle McMahon.


We hope that 1Seven will assist and stimulate discussion, thought and action in schools, communities and homes. We welcome your feedback and please feel free to email your thoughts, comments and suggestions to:

Kind regards, 1Seven program – AFL and Netball Australia