The St Kilda Football Club held their Annual General Meeting at Kingston City Hall last night, with all 2010 members over 18 years invited to attend.

The order of the night saw a review of the 2010 Annual Report, an emotive address from Club president Greg Westaway, as well as the announcement of three new life members - Jason Blake, Stephen Milne and Nick Riewoldt.

The St Kilda Football Club detailed that the Club is in a great financial position after posting an overall operating profit of $1,624,168 for the financial year ending 31 October 2010.

St Kilda Senior Coach Ross Lyon addressed the 350 attending members, assuring fans that the Club remains united despite the recent off-field dramas that have beset the team during the off season.

"Keep the faith and know that we are good people, we are human, we are fallible, we make mistakes, but we're the first ones to put our hands up and say we're learning," Lyon said.

"We're not perfect but we do a lot right and your show of faith has been outstanding."

Captain Nick Riewoldt also called on supporters and members to stay true to the Club, and renew their memberships, as they strive towards the ultimate prize this year.

The 2011 playing list (minus the four suspended players) and all full time staff member, joined Club Directors at the meeting to convey their passion for the red, white and black.

Other agenda items of the night saw all eight current Directors duly re-elected after no new nominations were received from public advertisements. A proposed amendment to the Company’s Constitution was also passed at the meeting, which included four important corporate governance improvements.