CARLTON coach Denis Pagan says that theexciting brand of football on display during the Blues’ 39-point smashing ofPort Adelaide is the result of several years of hard work at the club.

“It was a good result for our club againand we’re really pleased about it. Everyone at Carlton’s put so much work in over the pastthree or four years and we’re still a long, long way off it but we can reallysee some positive signs now and we’ll just continue to take the game on andattack it the way we have,” Pagan said.

“We tried to develop a few of our youngblokes (earlier in the season), and we probably went a bit over the top withit. We were probably too top heavy. We’ve certainly got a smaller running sidenow and it’s paying dividends.”

Incessant waves of attack throughout thefour terms saw a dominant Blues’ side register 22 goals from 11 different goalscorers. Although full forward Brendan Fevola accrued only two goals and twobehinds Pagan insists that the star’s input was vital.

“Brendan’s trying as hard as he can. If youwatch him train, he’s training as hard as he possibly can and he’s going tohave a big day soon. He played a significant part today.

We kicked nine straight without a point,that hasn’t happened for a while but it’s happened against us though,” Pagansaid.

Pagan praised the performance of SetantaO’hAilpin who scored two goals from his new position in the ruck. Pagan saidthe possibility of two brothers playing for the Blues in the near future was alsoa possibility with Setanta’s younger brother Aisake showing good form in theVFL.

“I hope Aisake plays well tomorrow (with Northern Bullants). We could have Setanta playing forwardand Aisake in the ruck. He’s going well at VFL level and he’s really knockingon the door. I hope he has a good game tomorrow,” Pagan said.

However Pagan said he wouldn’t be putting atime frame on the younger of the O’hAilpin’s debut.

“He’s pretty close to it. I can’t say whenit’s going to happen and it’s about balance and who turns up and injuries buthe’s looking quite good at the moment,” Pagan said.

The coach also commended the performance ofthe Blues’ Rising Star nominee Bryce Gibbs.

“We think he’ll end up a midfielder andthat’s where we think he’ll be long term. He’s giving us lots of bite and lotsof run around the football.”