The AFL industry strive to support the provision of well positioned, welcoming, accessible, fit for purpose football facilities that support our growing game’s strategic priorities.  Our sport’s need for facilities continues to expand to support participation growth and the changing profile of participation.

Most of the facilities that are used for our game have historically been built to cater for male usage only. If we are to continue to attract more girls and women, there is a need to provide welcoming physical environments. This includes ensuring that all players and umpires have access to appropriate change, shower and toilet facilities.

People often think of female change rooms as separate dedicated change facilities. This is not the case. Rather it is about transforming the existing amenities to cater for greater flexibility in use, removing urinals and open showers and replacing with toilet cubicles and shower cubicles that allow showering and changing in privacy. In other words, great change facilities cater equally well for all users.

There are also other facility elements that help make a welcoming facility and club environment. These include cleanliness of the change, shower and toilet areas, provision of sanitary bins and external pavilion and car park lighting to provide additional safety and security during and after training and night matches. These elements should also be front of mind when considering new and upgraded facilities.

The AFL Preferred Facilities Guidelines aims to help transform existing facilities that have largely catered for male use, to welcoming and vibrant facilities that continue to attract people of all ages, genders and abilities to our great game.

Download the AFL Preferred Facilities Guidelines

Where to find grants

There are many grants available throughout the year, but the challenge can be where to find them.

Grants are often provided by the government so be sure to check the local, state and federal government websites regularly and sign up for any newsletters they may send out about grants that are available.

Other grant providers also include philanthropic trusts and foundations and commercial organisations. These can be a little harder to find but peak sport bodies usually have information about available grants on the website so be sure to do a google search and bookmark their webpage.

Your local league and/or state AFL body may also have regular communications and/or webpages with information about available grants.

Click here for more information on Grant Writing