From 11:00am yesterday until 9am this morning, fans had the opportunity to post a question for Swans defender Rhyce Shaw via

Rhyce will answer a selection of your questions later in the week, with the answers to be posted in a separate article. Thanks everyone for getting your questions in.

You can see what the fans asked Rhyce below:

Mitchell on 5:55 AM Tuesday, 17 May 2011 said:
I read an article last year about you helping Malceski get his confidence back and push himself harder. Could you share some of the advice you gave to him?

Sarah on 10:10 PM Monday, 16 May 2011 said:
You are an exciting player to watch and seem to love having a good run with the ball once its in your hands. Do you prefer kicking the ball on the run and who would win the 100m dash; you or Jetta?

Beau Ryan on 7:55 PM Monday, 16 May 2011 said:
Hi Rhyce, I read an article about Dane Swan and 'The Ratpack' during the week. Were you involved in this and do the swans have their own 'rat pack'?

Brendan on 5:44 PM Monday, 16 May 2011 said:
Hi Rhyce
Any chance you can convince your bro to request a trade up to the swans and finish your careers together in red and white ? It would be great to have the both of you ripping off the half back line setting up play. Keep up the good work mate.

Michael on 4:05 PM Monday, 16 May 2011 said:
Do you still have contact with any of the collingwood players? (Besides your brother of course)Also, how do find living in sydney as an AFL player compared to melbourne?

David Angel on 3:38 PM Monday, 16 May 2011 said:
Hi Rhyce - how have you seen the impact of the interchange on the side this year - it seems to have effected the Swans more than other teams with the impact our Sub has or does not have - good luck for the rest of the season

Mel on 3:37 PM Monday, 16 May 2011 said:
Hi Rhyce
How did you get the nickname Tilt ? Have you received any new nicknames over the past few years ?
What did you say to your Uncle after he said you had a head like a coconut on a live telecast earlier this year ?
How many more years are you hoping to play for and do you think the new sub-rule will affect this ?
And is there a reason behind your new "clean shaven" look this year? It suits you.
Good luck for the rest of the year and hope the landscape gardening goes well.

Matt on 3:10 PM Monday, 16 May 2011 said:
Hey Rhyce, what do you think is the main thing that we need to work on to put a good four quarter effort In against hawthorn on Sunday? GO SWANNIES!!!

Chris Healy on 2:07 PM Monday, 16 May 2011 said:
Hi Rhyce. You've been an amazing addition to our side since coming up to Sydney and our backline would not be the same without you. You've played many great games, but Saturday night was a real stand out. What do you think was your best game and why? Also, do you like switching to the forward line? Cheers! And keep up the great work!

Sam Harris on 2:01 PM Monday, 16 May 2011 said:
Hi Rhyce
I love the speed at which you run and carry the ball - I reckon you are one of the best crumbing players in the back half. Do you think you might be again used extra in the back half against Buddy and Roughead? Also who is that older guy with silver hair who sings the team song after every winning match?

Nick on 1:15 PM Monday, 16 May 2011 said:
Hey Rhyce,
What is your favourite role to play at the Swans? Is it as a rebounding defender who has been given license to run off his man, a tight run with player down back or in the middle, or as a defensive forward? I know you will say you don't care where you play as long as you're doing your bit for the team, but give us a real answer!

Matt Pooley on 1:02 PM Monday, 16 May 2011 said:
Gday Rhyce,
Great game on Saturday night!! Do you prefer playing up forward or being down in defence? Do you think Daniel Bradshaw will make a return to the side in the near future giving the Swans a boost in the forward line? Go the bloods, and hope you guys have another win against Hawthorn!!

Stephen on 12:02 PM Monday, 16 May 2011 said:
How do you see the change in the way you play from being at Collingwood to now being at the Swans. You seem to have more run and be enjoying your football a lot more. Would you say that is a fair comment?

Kimberley Dilger on 11:43 AM Monday, 16 May 2011 said:
Do you think we have a advantage going up against hawthorn, what do the swans need to focus on going in the game against hawthorn?

Kylie on 11:40 AM Monday, 16 May 2011 said:
Hi Rhyce,
Love everything about you, you are fantastic in forward and defence.
Did you like the Banner I made for you on Saturday Night? "Rhyce Shaw is Sizzling Hot"? We saw you and Marty having a chuckle about it.
My son kicked his first goal yesterday in U9, and is comparing himself to your fast running ability. Do you have any tips for him? Kylie.

Don Meadows on 11:27 AM Monday, 16 May 2011 said:
What was the biggest difficulty you faced in moving to Sydney, and what was the biggest help in making the switch?