It was all smiles for Ben Cunnington on Saturday with the 2009 number five draft pick re-introduced to the main playing group at training.

"I just couldn't stop smiling to myself, I was so happy to be out there," Cunnington told

"I found out a couple of days ago when Peter Mulkearns and Brad Scott came up to me and asked 'How would you like it if you did a full training session with the main playing squad?' I didn't really have to think about it.

"I was pretty excited with that and I got through the whole session pretty well."

It was Cunnington's first main training since developing a hot-spot in his right foot several weeks ago.

Medical staff praised the 18-year-old for speaking up about his injury concern and not pushing through the pain as Liam Anthony was guilty of last year.

Cunnington says the time he's spent on the sidelines has only served to further intensify his competitive streak.

"I really struggle watching games and sitting on the sidelines when I know I could be out there. Being stuck injured I get pretty toey, but it's not long to wait now.

"My fitness was pretty down, but I've got a bit of running to do now so hopefully I won't be too far away from playing."