Anthony Brown is Melbourne’s property manager. This is his first year in the role, after taking over from the long-serving Ron Mather. Previously, Brown worked in the printing industry and was Casey’s property manager for five years on a voluntary basis. At AAMI Park, Brown is one of the first to arrive and last to leave. Here is a snapshot of his day.

Monday, July 12, 2010
7am - Wake up and start getting organised for the day ahead.

8am - Arrive at the club and open up the locker room. Monday is basically a cleaning day. I make sure all of the boys have got Powerade and that they’re all catered for first.

Morning - I start unpacking the van, get out the laundry and put it on straight away. Any stuff I need to soak, especially jumpers and socks, I soak them in the eskies. I go between the laundry, unpacking the van and going to the storage rooms. I also have to unpack the Powerade bottles from the weekend - that can be around 100 bottles, including bench bottles, half-time bottles and the trainers’ bottles.

I’ve also got to flush the three eskies out and the three Powerade containers, so they’re clean for the following game. I basically do all of that by myself.

Luckily for me, the players only come in for medicals and recovery on Monday, so I just need to make sure they’ve got enough fluids. I make sure the washing machines and driers are going, which takes around half an hour to 45 minutes.

1pm - Lunch. A quick break; I like to get things done, so I have a quick bit and get back into it.

Afternoon - Monday is basically washing, unloading the van, flushing the eskies the, Powerade containers and bottles, plus unpacking the rest of the gear. This continues in the afternoon. The laundry takes all day Monday. When we wear the white jumpers, instead of our traditional jumpers, they can take until Tuesday. All of the other laundry I get on top of is on Monday.

6pm - Finish up for the day. It nearly becomes a seven-day a week role and I can forget what day of the week it is, because it rolls around every day. I have to think ‘what day is it’, so I can come prepared. But Monday is always very similar.

7pm - I go home and unwind. Go the supermarket to get some food and then head home to watch a bit of TV.

10.30 - Head to bed and do it all again tomorrow!