Debate around the credentials of the “best” players to represent any club, in any code, around the world, evokes the most passionate discussions. And the West Coast Eagles is no exception.

In the 25 years of the club’s existence, it has been fortunate to see some wonderful players occupy the locker room. From past players like Ross Glendinning, Chris Mainwaring, John Worsfold, Peter Matera, Guy McKenna, Glen Jakovich, Ben Cousins and Chris Judd through to current stars such as Darren Glass and Dean Cox, the West Coast Eagles has been blessed with some players of exceptional talent.

In the club’s 25th year, it has been deemed appropriate to recognise some of those past stars by launching the West Coast Eagles Hall of Fame.

Given the achievements and impact of so many eminently qualified people, the task for the selection committee has been onerous, but the inaugural inductees have now been determined and those wonderful contributions will be recognised as part of a glorious weekend of celebrations.
The West Coast Eagles Hall of Fame dinner will be held on Friday, August 5 at the Burswood Entertainment Complex. This black tie ball will celebrate the true champions of our past, with guests being the first to congratulate the club’s inaugural Hall of Fame inductees.
And we invite our loyal members to be part of this historic event.

It is the cornerstone of a weekend of festivities, with the dinner being held on the Friday evening, ahead of the 25th anniversary of the match, which started this amazing football club’s journey. It was against Richmond, on March 29, 1987, that West Coast first competed for premiership points and on Sunday, August 7, the Eagles will again meet the Tigers at Patersons Stadium.

At the Hall of Fame dinner, legendary rocker Ross Wilson will make a special appearance to perform everyone’s favourite “Eagle Rock” in tribute to the club’s anniversary, and guests will enjoy a gourmet three-course meal over West Cape Howe Wines.

Gold tickets for this once-in-a-lifetime event are now sold out, but limited blue and while category tickets are still available from the club, so please contact our corporate sales team on (08) 9381 1111 or complete this booking form.

We look forward to your company at this historic event and thank you for your support of the West Coast Eagles.