It’s been a bit of a disappointing past few weeks for the Club with regards to our on field performances.

Unfortunately we seem to be having a few very costly lapses for about 15 minutes or so, where the opposition blows us out of the water and we end up playing catch-up football for the rest of the game.

I guess looking at the positives, we seem to be able to fight our way back when potentially we could have been thumped. I just feel we’re only a game away from everything clicking.

It was sad to hear the news of Drummo doing his ACL. I guess I can kind of sympathize with the feelings and emotions he must be having at the moment. Luckily he could have the LARS surgery which means his recovery won’t be as long as first thought.

On a more positive note, we have seen the return of a few young guys through the Reserves recently.

Callum Bartlett and Mitch Golby have both successfully returned from their knee reconstructions and are both showing great signs.

Big Bart McCulloch - who has had a very rough start to his career with a recurring quad injury - seems to have broken into a rhythm and is stringing a few games together. I went down to watch him play in his first game back against Broadbeach and was impressed by the amount of candy he was able to sell.

Bryce Retzlaff is another guy who has made an impressive return. With a great work ethic on the training track, he has been very impressive up forward showing strong hands on the lead and an ability to kick goals.

At the moment there are a lot of the boys’ parents up from interstate due to the back-to-back home games at the Gabba.

My folks have made the trip across and it is great to spend some time with them when the opportunity arrives. The Club has been fantastic with the parents by regularly putting on functions for them when an influx arrives, like at the moment.

From what I understand, we are one of the few Clubs who do this and I know from talking with the boys and various parents that they really enjoy these types of functions and getting to know one another.

I was also lucky enough to have a few old school mates from Perth stay at my place last week.

They spent some time up in Noosa and on the Gold Coast as well as checking out a little bit of Brisbane. Like myself, they find the two cities pretty similar with the only difference being Perth has a coastline.

I’ve got to say that it’s impressive to see what Jamie Charman has been up to in his spare time.

It seems with every social page I look through at the moment, there’s Charmo doing some modeling. The boys were quite impressed by the big fellas work with the camera and there have been a few comments being thrown out that he should go to Milan when footy is finished.