WELL, there isn't too much to say about that loss on Saturday, is there?

For the second week running, a poor start cost us and we were chasing our tails for the rest of the afternoon. Who knows what will happen if we allow the Bulldogs to get that sort of run on this Friday night.

Where is the intensity and confidence that had us start a run where we won six games in seven weeks two months ago?

Gone! Just like our season. We won't play finals, and I guess none of us really expected that to happen, but the club went and got our hopes up anyway!

And injuries! What's with that? Four more players have gone down, Scotty Lucas isn't coming back this year, and we're yet to find a way to halt this never-ending run of hurt players missing games.

I suppose we should try and look the positives. As a typical Bombers fan, I have been a big critic of Jason Laycock. Now, with Matthew Knights saying David Hille is unlikely to play again this year, he has a big chance.

He'll have to shoulder the No.1 big man spot alone, while Tom Bellchambers is also likely to get a run in the seniors. This can only be good – we'll find out once and for all if Laycock can handle senior footy, and Bellchambers will get some game time.

Courtenay Dempsey – what a sad story he is becoming! Hard to believe he broke his leg while just running across the ground. We can only hope he doesn't end up going the way of the 'other' Courtney (Johns) we've had in the past few years.

Just a quick comment on Johns, it was sad to see him go, given he never really had a chance to reach the heights he was tipped to scale. Good luck to him in whatever he goes on with now.

I thought Paddy Ryder was a positive on Saturday. He presented well up forward, before being called down back after Dustin Fletcher went off hurt, and look like a dangerous decoy for awhile there.

It's just so important we recapture some sort of form for the next two weeks. Otherwise, all that good work we managed to put together over the past month is a waste of time.

Oh and farewell Mal Michael, who retired again this week. Thanks for some good service and experience over the past two years.