RICHMOND hasn't ruled out bringing back former Tiger David Rodan.

Rodan left Richmond at the end of 2006 - discarded by the Tigers after just 65 games and his first knee reconstruction - to become a favourite at Port Adelaide.

But understands the Tigers are considering re-recruiting the midfielder.

The 29-year-old told he is desperate to extend his 176-game AFL career and is ready to jump on a plane as soon as he gets a call from an interested club.

"I definitely wouldn't mind [returning to Richmond]," he said.

"I obviously played five years [there] and didn't get to my best football.

"If it came about it'd probably be nice to get back and show the club and the fans I've developed a fair bit and show them that I've improved a bit.

"Everything's changed since I've been there."

Like for many in Rodan's boat - almost three weeks into the post-season - the wait is excruciating.

"Obviously a little bit anxious, a bit frustrating at times, but it's the process and you've just got to bide your time I guess until hopefully you can work something out," he said.

While prepared to go anywhere, Rodan's preferred option is to return to his home-town.

"My family and my wife's family are from Melbourne, so it'd probably nice to move back there."

For now the wait continues.

"It could be any time, but hopefully sooner than later."

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Matt Thompson is a reporter for AFL Media. Follow him on Twitter @MattThompsonAFL