Richmond Football Club today announced that Carl Walsh, chief executive of international accounting firm WHK Melbourne and former International Cricket Council chief executive Malcolm Speed, will fill two newly-created, casual vacancies on its board of directors.

Long-serving Richmond board members Don Lord and Garry Cameron created the vacancies after announcing they were stepping down.

“On behalf of the board, management, staff and our members, I would like to sincerely thank Don and Garry for the valuable contribution they have made to the Richmond Football Club,” Richmond president Gary March said.

“Don and Garry have both served on the Club’s board for over 10 years. Garry spent eight of those years as treasurer and Don was the founder of the critically important Jack Dyer Foundation.

“They have been tireless servants of this football club and I know they will continue to support the Yellow and Black, as they have always done.

“Both men should also be congratulated for recognising that boards need to be refreshed and reinvigorated and they have both taken a most selfless decision.”

The board made these two appointments after several high-quality candidates had been interviewed by the Club’s newly-formed nominations committee.

The nominations committee comprises:

Emmett Dunne - Chairman
Assistant Commissioner (Ethical Standards) Victoria Police and 1980 Richmond premiership player.

Henriette Rothschild
General Manager Hay Group, Pacific.

Michael Green
Former practicing solicitor, Head of Green’s List and four-time Richmond premiership player.

Maurice O’Shannassy
Richmond vice-president and Managing Director, Black Rock Investment Management (Australia).

“We are thrilled to be able to add these highly-credentialled people to the board of the Richmond Football Club,” March said.

“Importantly, both Carl and Malcolm are passionate Richmond supporters, who share the same vision that we all do - they want to develop a Club that is recognised as a leader, both on and off the field.

“I welcome them to the Richmond Football Club and look forward to their contribution.”

Carl Walsh is a lawyer by education and a chartered accountant by profession, with over 18 years experience as a business leader both domestically (nine years in Australia) and internationally (Ireland, Luxembourg, Russia and US).
Carl has extensive knowledge of the financial services sector and previously held leadership roles in companies such as Deloitte, Microsoft and General Electric.

He was recently appointed to the Melbourne Community Foundation's Advisory Board and has played top level sport, having represented Country Clare in Gaelic Football.

Malcolm Speed has a background in law and is widely regarded as one of Australia’s leading sports’ administrators. In 1997, he was appointed chief executive of Cricket Australia. Then, in 2001, he was appointed chief executive of the International Cricket Council, a position he held up until 2008.

Malcolm now works as a consultant, company director and university lecturer. Among his current roles, he acts as executive director of the Coalition of Major Professional and Participation Sports (COMPPS) which consists of the Australian Football League, Australian Rugby Union, Cricket Australia, Football Federation Australia, Netball Australia, National Rugby League and Tennis Australia.