The Club is pleased to announce some exciting changes to its Leadership team for 2008.

Kane Johnson will Captain the Richmond Football Club for the fourth consecutive season. His new Vice-Captains will be Chris Newman and Nathan Foley. Chris has been elevated from the Leadership group to Vice Captain and Nathan joins the Leadership team for the first time.

Senior Coach Terry Wallace said “It’s a great sign for the Club to see some of our younger generation emerging as leaders and wanting to take on more responsibility. Both Chris and Nathan are very hard working, set great examples, and are very much respected within the group. We look forward to them helping shape the future of our Club”.

The Leadership team will also include Troy Simmonds, Nathan Brown, Joel Bowden and for the first time, Kane Pettifer.

“It is also pleasing to still have several, highly respected senior players in our Leadership team. They will continue to play an extremely important role in the development of our group and ably assist Kane, Chris and Nathan” said Wallace.