Collingwood's 2012 television commercial bringing to life the membership campaign, 'It's Us Against Them', featured hundreds of the Magpie Army and the entire playing list complete with the coaching staff.

There was a huge turnout for the five-hour shoot which was staged on Gosch's Paddock, the same location for last year's successful television commercial 'March to October'.

Senior coach Nathan Buckley was the man in demand for the opening few scenes flanked by the entire Army.

Halfway through the shoot he was joined by the playing list and his coaching staff and club administrators.

The television commercial is scheduled to air early next year.

Dressing up for the occasion:
Only at a Magpie TVC can you get away with wearing these suits.

Straight line thanks: Hundreds of the Magpie Army turned out to serve as 'extras' in the shoot.

Green screen: The Melbourne skyline peaking through.

All hands on deck: Former player now administrator Simon Prestigiacomo leads a group of staff out.

Nathan Clooney:
Not really, well, sort of (see his Twitter account @ncb_cfc).

Side By Side: 
The entire playing list standing to attention.

Frozen: It took a few takes to nail down the drive by shot.