A group of boys from as far away as Eritrea, Ethiopia andSomalia savoured a rare dose of AFL football on Friday night when Carltonconfronted Hawthorn at the Dome.

Proudly sporting Carlton caps and watching on with unbridledenthusiasm, the end result mattered little to them. What was more important wasthe chance to be a part of a new and exciting experience, even if the oval ballseemed somehow at odds with the round one of their homeland.

The boys, who ranged in age from eight through to 15, got tothe game with the assistance of the Victorian YMCA’s Parkville Youth Servicesin Carlton, in conjunction with Minter Ellison, Portfolio Partners and theclub.

"This young, new migrant community are very excited andinto anything sports-related. They are mad keen Carlton supporters as they livein Carlton and were thrilled to have the opportunity to enjoy a game at theTelstra Dome,” said Youth Services Program co-ordinator Jai Marchinton.