RooTube EXCLUSIVE: Dean Laidley announces captaincy to players

THE HIGH-profile process that chose North Melbourne's new captain produced unanimous support for the man awarded the job on Wednesday morning, Brent Harvey.

That alone encouraged senior coach Dean Laidley to appoint the 30-year-old as North's 39th leader, replacing Adam Simpson, who stepped down after five years in the position.

It started with the vote of the players, full-time football staff and the match committee, while chief executive Eugene Arocca and president James Brayshaw also had input.

And Laidley said "people outside of the footy club" were consulted, too.

But all that matters now is that Harvey, entering his 14th season as a player, has the backing to lead his teammates into 2009 and – should it present in the coming years – the club's fifth premiership.

Key position player Drew Petrie will be his vice-captain, with midfielder Brady Rawlings and defender Daniel Pratt deputies.

"In the end probably one of the biggest markers for me was the players were very, very keen for 'Boomer' to be their captain and Drew to be their vice-captain," Laidley said at the announcement.

"I thought that was a really strong indication. For me, seeing what Boomer has done ... just his journey in itself. Perhaps four, five, maybe six years ago, maybe [he wasn't] in this position.

"But seeing him grow with his family and what he does with the younger guys and how he's grown inside the football club and outside the football club, we thought as a club he was the best man for the job."

Simpson was given a strong say on his successor and will provide additional support to Harvey in his first year.

The ongoing presence of the 32-year-old, who Harvey considers the best of the three captains he has played under – along with Wayne Carey and Anthony Stevens – is welcome.

"I've learnt the most from Adam," Harvey said.

"It's good to have him there and I'll bounce some ideas off him. Even if he doesn't want me to, I'll probably still ask him."

Considering what sort of skipper he hopes to be, Harvey's answer was simple:

"Hopefully a winning captain," he said.

"I don't know, I've been in the job for 15 minutes. Nothing changed this morning at training, so I'm not sure. Maybe ask me this question in three or four months."