Well, here we are near the end of our ‘down’ week going into the bye weekend before the big stuff starts…and I wish people wouldn’t call it that.

I think I’d rather have an intensive week of training!

Because we don’t have a game this weekend, it gives the club a great opportunity to do all the things that you can’t otherwise do when you are preparing for a match.

Two nights out and a big drive up the range to Toowoomba were pretty taxing through the early part of the week.

The fact that it was a pretty hot day in Canberra last Saturday for our last practice match, if you can believe that, made it take a little bit longer to recover than normal as it was.

We did a recovery session on Monday and had the usual massage, then came back to the club for the chairman’s dinner.

From memory, this dinner was started by our former chairman Graeme Downie and has been continued by Tony Kelly.

It usually has a significant person from the club’s past speak, along with Leigh and the chairman.

I don’t mind the night because Michael O’Brien Catering always put on a great feed for us!

Tuesday we were at the club for most of the day, hopped over to Coorparoo for training, and then came back for the corporate season launch.

The boys looked a million dollars in their suits and ties at this function, and it’s never a bad thing to catch up with the ‘big end of town’ to thank them for their support of the club.

A lot of these people are just as passionate about their footy as the fans in the outer and I’m sure quite a few will follow us over to Perth for the opening game of the season.

Wednesday we were back at the club for a gym session and massage, then nine other players and I got on a mini-bus and drove up to Toowooomba for a superclinic.

I only have vague memories of our community camp up there on the Darling Downs in 2003, but I do remember we were really well supported.

The people of Toowoomba haven’t lost their enthusiasm for our game if Wednesday was any guide.

We wound up having eight mini-games involved about 30 kids each, so there would have been close to 250 kids involved all up.

The kids were really keen and the parents were great, so I hope they all got something out of the afternoon.

I slept pretty well that night, and was glad to ease through today before our final training run this afternoon.

The thought of now having three days off training is pretty exciting after the long summer slog, and I’m heading north with some American friends to chill out and make the most of it.

Don’t think for one minute that I won’t be itching to go by the time we get back on Sunday night, though.

We’ve all put in a lot of hard work this summer and we’re set.

Some people might say that playing West Coast in Perth is a big ask first up, but I love playing in Perth.

I really like the city, and I love playing on Subiaco Oval.

It’s the biggest ground in the comp and it’s great to have some space to move in to be able to use your speed and endurance and go for a few bounces when you get the chance.

It’s very different to the SCG where it is more of a strength in close and power game, which I don’t mind, but the big ground is fun.

I often wonder how close I came to be playing on Subiaco more regularly because I had the West Coast recruiting manager visit my parents’ home before I got rookie listed by Brisbane.

He made a big impression and really sold us on the idea of Perth.

Things have turned out for the best though, because I was able to stay right here with the family close by and I have made some great mates at the Lions.

We’re a young group rebuilding towards some success and I’m really looking forward to that. Plus I don’t know how I would have coped with all the long flights that the Eagles have to make every fortnight.

I might be a lone voice here, but I think the Eagles and Dockers should get an extra home game each over and above their 12 games now because of the amount of traveling that they do.

When you consider that Collingwood only fly three or four times a year, the western teams are at a real disadvantage.

Just don’t expect me to be feeling any sympathy for them Saturday week. Our club had a great win against them there last time and it would make for a pleasant (or at least close to pleasant) flight home if we can get the points first up.