A small selection of Brisbane Lions players are helping raise awareness and funds for men’s health issues this month by participating in Movember.

Movember is the charitable concept responsible for the sprouting of moustaches on thousands of men’s faces in Australia and around the world. It helps raise vital funds for men’s health concerns - specifically prostate cancer and depression.

Pearce Hanley, Jesse O’Brien, Matt Maguire and Rohan Bewick are supporting the initiative by ditching their razors throughout November and growing a moustache.

The players have each joined Movember team ‘Moe Sizlack’ - which is Captained by Maguire’s former St Kilda team-mate Sam Gilbert - and are now inviting all Lions fans to donate towards their efforts for a worthy cause.

Fans are also encouraged to support the cause themselves by joining team ‘Moe Sizlack’, growing their own moustache, and spreading the word among their friends, family and work-mates.

Lions.com.au caught up with three of the Club’s four participants (Maguire, O’Brien and Hanley) in Noosa to check on their Movember progress.

How would you rate your moustache growing ability out of 10?

Pearce Hanley:
I’ve never grown a moustache before, so I’ll probably give myself a 3/10.

Jesse O’Brien: Pretty pathetic, I’d say about a 2/10.

Matt Maguire: Surprisingly I’m probably a 6/10.

How do you rate yourself against each of your fellow Lions ‘Mo Bros’? Who’s moustache is looking the best? 

At the moment, I’ll give it to Jesse. But give me another three weeks and I’ll have him. 

JO: Pearce’s isn’t looking too flash at the moment, but neither of us can grow a really good moustache. It shouldn’t be too hard to beat me I wouldn’t have thought. 

MM: I think Jesse O’Brien has got the strongest at the moment. He has very dark moustache hair so it looks thicker than it probably is. Apparently Rohan Bewick is doing a little Charlie Chaplin which isn’t too bad.

While it’s all a bit of fun, how important is the men’s health message that Movember promotes? 

PH: It’s very important and gives us a chance to give something back and hopefully raise a bit of money.

JO: All money raised goes towards supporting men’s health issues such as depression, so the least I can do is grow a ‘tache for a month and see if I can raise some money for the cause. 

MM: It’s a bit of fun, a good change-up, and great for men’s health awareness.

Out of everyone at the Club, who do you think would perform best in growing a moustache? 

I’m not too sure who would be the best, but I know who would be the worst - and that’s Claye Beams. But I reckon Rainesy and Ash McGrath would do best at growing a good moustache. 

JO: Boonji (Ash McGrath) had a pretty good one going, but he shaved it off. 

MM: Joel Patfull’s got a big caterpillar on his top lip at the moment. It’s more fashionable for him at the moment, but we’re hoping to get him to join our team.

What style of moustache are you going for?

I’m not sure at the moment, I’m going to trim it up this evening and see what I have to work with. 

JO: I’m just going for a normal one, it’s the only style I can grow really, so I’ll just let it go. 

MM: I’m going to work it into a more pencil-thin French artiste style.

The Lions will post regular updates on Hanley, Maguire, O’Brien and Bewick’s progress on the Club’s official Facebook page.

Lions fans can also put their support behind the player they think is sporting the best ‘Mo’ by donating towards the cause via the official Movember website - au.movember.com 

CLICK HERE to support Jesse O’Brien
CLICK HERE to support Pearce Hanley
CLICK HERE to support Rohan Bewick

NB: Rohan Bewick and Matt Maguire’s official Movember profiles will be available soon.

Alternatively, you can CLICK HERE and register to join team ‘Moe Sizlack’ and participate in the initiative yourself. Don’t forget to send updates of your moustache creations to website@lions.com.au