Are you going to the game on Sunday?

Get to Patersons Stadium early and head down to the West Coast Eagles Team Store at Gate 12 on Roberts Road to meet Jacob Brennan, Jordan Jones, Koby Stevens and Tom Swift between 4pm and 4.30pm.

These four West Coast young guns will be on hand to sign copies of the single “Picking Up the Pieces”, written by club chaplain Paul Morrison and featuring guest vocals from Nic Naitanui, Brad Sheppard, Koby Stevens and Gerrick Weedon.

Click here for a special preview.

Inspired by the club’s recent mission to Cambodia, when 12 players constructed 20 houses for struggling families, all proceeds from the sale of this single will be donated to the Tabitha Foundation to help build a school in the remote Kampong Speu Province.

So make sure you visit the Team Store on Sunday, buy your copy of our hit song, and get it signed by our rising stars.

“Picking Up the Pieces” is also available on iTunes. Racing up the charts, the single is currently sitting at #55 in the top 100, but with your help we could reach #1! Download your copy now and you’ll be helping the children of Cambodia.