Hi there kids,

It’s great to be sitting here with our win-loss ratio finally in a positive way.

The Lions have won five and lost four games now, and if we can win a few more in a row, we’re in for a pretty exciting winter.

We have talked a lot in this column about the sort of things that you have to do on the field to be successful, but you need to have good support around you as well.

Even though we are a professional football club, we still rely on an army of volunteers to help around the place.

Our team manager on road trips, a bloke called Lowey, has been helping out for 18 years and does it for the love of the game and the club.

It’s a similar story with Leo the doorman, and Dave the reserves stats guy.

I probably shouldn’t name names because there are so many ladies and blokes around the place who do their bit.

It is the same with junior clubs and school football.

All of the team managers, and coaches and committee members and the likes do their jobs for no reward other than the satisfaction of seeing their teams do well.

Those people all have jobs and lives outside of football to run, but they turn up week in and week out to ensure that kids get to play every week.

There is a fair workload in operating clubs, so next time you come off the field victorious, or feeling great because you’ve had a good game, spare a thought for all those people who helped get you there.

While I think of it, thanks to all of you Brisbane-based readers who got to the Gabba last Sunday and came up and said hello at our autograph session after the game.

If you didn’t get the chance to catch up with the boys, there’s another opportunity to see some of them at the club’s Family Day up at Australia Zoo this Sunday.

Don’t forget to watch our game on Saturday night, it should be a beauty. If you can’t get to the Gabba, don’t forget you can tune in to Channel 10.

Until next week.

Go Lions.

- Jed