You've probably heard it said a million times before that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Is this true?

In many ways, the answer is yes. Let's look at some facts on breakfast.
- Scientists have found that eating breakfast helps protect your body against germs. Skip breakfast and you're more likely to catch a cold.
- Eating breakfast gives you a 'head start' as healthy eating helps you think more clearly during the day.
- Eating breakfast means you are less likely to eat junk food later (when you're hungry because you skipped breakfast).
- Eating breakfast means you supply your body with energy early in the day – so you're ready for games and school sport and other exercise. Miss breakfast and you might not have enough energy for exercise.
- To grow strong bones, we need calcium. Dairy food is a great way to get calcium. Breakfast is one of the meals when we're more likely to have milk, and maybe even yoghurt.

How do I make sure my breakfast is healthy?

If you're a cereal eater, take a look at the ingredients listed on the packet. Cereals with no sugar, or very little, are best. If you think they taste too dull, slap some slices of strawberry, banana or other fruit on top.

Some cereals have so much sugar that they are more like lollies than breakfast food. Avoid these or save them for very occasional special treat days only.

If your family likes a cooked breakfast, suggest baked beans instead of bacon. Porridge is another healthy 'hot' breakfast.

But I don’t have time for breakfast

Try getting out of bed 10 minutes earlier! Eating a healthy breakfast really is the best way to start your day.

Related reading:
Calcium Cool for Cats - and Kids
Kitchen Clean-Out Time
Yummy Yoghurt