WEST Coast coach John Worsfold says any club wanting to lure Daniel Kerr away from the Eagles needs to offer more than Carlton did for former skipper Chris Judd.

Losing Kerr would be a devastating blow to West Coast's midfield after losing both Judd and Ben Cousins at the end of 2007, and Worsfold will make sure any club interested in a trade will have to pay dearly to get him across.

With Carlton coach Brett Ratten saying he would gladly welcome Kerr to the Blues, Worsfold hit back saying that West Coast would want plenty in return.

"Give us Bryce Gibbs, Marc Murphy and Chris Judd and maybe I would consider it," Worsfold said on Friday.  "I would have him (Judd) back if it was along with Gibbs and Murphy and Kreuzer.

"They won't get Josh Kennedy back either, we are keeping him and I would just consider it then. They would still be getting the better deal, though."

With Melbourne meeting with Fremantle's Robert Warnock last week, plenty of attention has come on teams courting players from other clubs during the season. Worsfold said such behaviour was out of his control but took a dim view of the practice.

"I don’t have any control over that [other clubs speaking to Kerr], " he said.

"Personally I wouldn’t do that to other clubs … I wouldn’t approach players still contracted to other clubs, but it's up to them what they do. It has nothing to do with me."