AFL Tickets -
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AFL Tickets


Accessible Ticketing

Accessible ticket options

AFL venues cater for a variety of accessibility requirements. While they vary from venue to venue, options include:

Wheelchair bays
Wheelchair bay tickets for wheelchair users who will remain in their wheelchair (or mobility aid) during the match.

Easy Access Seating
Easy access seating is typically up or down a few steps and/or at the end of an aisle. These seats are in the main seating stands, but easier to access. They can be obtained by anyone with accessibility requirements who is not a wheelchair user.

Visual Impairment
Where seating options are available for visually impaired spectators, they will usually be located towards the front of seating stands, closer to the field of play. 

Assistance Animals
We welcome visitors with trained or accredited assistance animals (such as guide dogs).  Where available, relevant ticketing should be obtained to maintain the safety of the assistance animal and other spectators. 

Companion tickets
Where required, companion tickets can be obtained when selecting tickets. Where possible, companion tickets will be allocated next to accessible tickets. If additional tickets are required, they will be located as close as possible to the accessible tickets.

Accessible ticket prices

Accessible tickets will be charged the applicable price for the section they are positioned in. In some circumstances the AFL, home club and/or the Venue may adjust some of these to ensure there are accessible tickets available across a variety of price categories.

The AFL is a National Affiliate of the Companion Card program and we agree to provide an admission ticket for the eligible cardholder's companion at no charge. The Companion Card program is applicable at all AFL Venues. 

Accessible ticket bookings  

Patrons with accessible booking requirements and additional service assistance requirements can contact the relevant ticket agent as outlined:

For accessible booking needs please visit Ticketmaster for information here.

For accessible booking needs please visit Ticketek for information here.

General Admission
At some venues, accessible tickets may also be available in general admission areas that do not require pre-booking. Please refer to the relevant venue website in the week preceding the game for further information on general admission ticket access.

Additional accessible facilities 

Sensory Zones
Where available, sensory rooms provide a quiet and calm environment which can help to provide a calm and comfortable space for overactive and/or distressed individuals. 

When available, access to accessible parking at AFL venues requires a valid accessible parking permit.

Venue-specific accessible information

The AFL is committed to making our game accessible to fans, therefore if you require any further details on accessibility that is not detailed here or by the applicable venue or ticket agent, please contact