“Thanks everyone for coming. Today I advised the club that I will be retiring at the end of the season. I made the decision with a very clear thinking of how I wanted to be perceived. I wanted to be remembered as someone who played with a highly competitive spirit and played right to the end with very high standards, not someone who crawled to the finish.”

“Physically, my body feels great and mentally I still have a real desire for the competitive aspect of the game. However, if I fast forward 12 months I can’t guarantee this will still be the case. I have always wanted to finish my career with just a little bit left in me.”

“Some people may ask why I have chosen now after round nine. At the end of last year I made a commitment to the playing group that I was totally committed to 2010 and I still am. However, I don’t want to be distracted until the end of the year with constant speculation over whether or not I will continue. All I want is to be totally focused on leading this club back to playing consistent and competitive football, week in, week out. For the next 13 rounds, I want to play an aggressive style of football, leading my team as best as I can.”

“This club has given me so much over the journey and it has been an incredible ride. I know that I will leave at the end of the season a better person than the time I walked in the doors."

"There are some people here today that I would like to thank publicly. First of all I want to thank the supporters of the Adelaide Football Club. They have been fantastic to me with their support throughout my journey. There have been some ups and downs and they have stood by me and I couldn’t have asked any more of our supporters. The sponsors, support staff and administration that are here today, I have met some fantastic people in all areas of football.”

“To all my coaches and all my teammates who I have been fortunate enough to share the locker room with over the last 15 seasons, I have made some incredible friendships, some lifelong friendships, and I am sure that will continue, there’s no doubt about that.”

“There are some people I would like to thank individually. John Reid and James Fantasia were two guys that were very instrumental in getting me to the footy club. I certainly wasn’t someone that grew up that was highly talented in the junior ranks. I really want to thank those two guys for maximising the talents that I did have.”

“To Triggy, you’ve seen a fair bit from me. We’ve certainly had our highs and our lows, but if it wasn’t for you three and a half years ago I certainly wouldn’t be here.”

“To Craigy, you have been a mentor both on and off the field, and I thank you for that.”

“Obviously my family, 15 years is a long time. They give up a lot. They have seen me grow as a person, they know that football has been good for me and I have come out better, and I appreciate their support.”

“Thanks to everyone that has been involved. It has been an incredible ride that I’ll remember.”