Dear members,
Well the team did its best yesterday, but on the day, we were beaten by a better team, Collingwood.

No disgrace in that, just life as it is.
We have lost a number of our players to injury this year and that list will be added to as a result of yesterday’s game.

At Hawthorn, we will never use injuries as an excuse. But again, you can't deny the fact, just life as it is.
I was proud when I looked around the ground, particularly in the top decks behind the goals at all the brown and gold.

Thank you all for turning out in such numbers, but I am not surprised, just life as it is.
Over the last week or two a great deal of laudatory articles have been written in the press about our Club, but what will always be more important is how we feel about, relate to and trust each other.

Success comes from within, not from without, that’s life as it is.
Next week we are off to Tassie for our game against the Brisbane Lions. Yesterday’s loss is already history. We gird our loins for the next contest.

We remain in the top four, and if we are good enough will earn the right to stay there.
See you all at Aurora, it is as always great to be part of the Hawthorn family, and our future remains as bright as our support of and for each other.

For that is life.
Go Hawks.
Jeff Kennett