Thinking about getting more exercise? Why not take up a team sport!

Team sports are a great way to make new friends. You can also catch up with existing friends, outside school hours, for training and competition.

Team mates can encourage and motivate you to do your best. They can support you when things don't go well and celebrate with you when you have success. Being part of a team means having others to share all the highs and any lows.

It also means you have a range of team mates to learn from. Each team member will have different strengths and weaknesses. Everyone has something they can contribute. If you find something difficult, you can practise with a team mate who is good at the skill you need to work on.

When you're a part of a team you're also less likely to skip a week's training if it's cold or you're feeling tired. You're an important cog in the team machine! You can't let the team down!

So think about the team sports you enjoy watching or playing at school. Then ask your parents or teachers how to find a team near your home.

- Tim Pegler is the editor of

Related reading:
Energy to Burn
Why Exercise?
Play It Safe