Injured forward Steve Johnson will travel with the Cats' squad for their pre-season trip to the Gold Coast.

Johnson broke his ankle in a late-night incident in Torquay in early December and underwent surgery where he had a pin inserted in the base of his tibia.

Geelong's football operations manager, Garry Davidson, said Johnson was close to resuming training and confirmed he would be joining the squad.

``He's progressing and he's mobile now, doing all the non weight-bearing activities and he's in the weight room, on the bike,'' Davidson said.

``It will be another week or two yet (before he resumes training), we're not certain but we'll just rely on the medical information, but he shouldn't be that far away.''

As for a Wizard Cup return, Davidson said it was too early to tell.

``We're not sure yet, we'll rely on the medical information and see his progress and make up our minds as we get closer,'' he said.

Johnson kicked 23 goals last season.