ACN 006 468 962

The Annual General Meeting of the North Melbourne Football Club Ltd (“the Club”) will be held in the Victory Room, Level 1, Gate 8, Etihad Stadium, Docklands, Victoria on Thursday, 15 December 2011 at 7.00pm.


In accordance with Rule 21(d) of the Club’s Constitution, at the 2011 Annual General Meeting of the Club, one-third of the members of the Board (or, if their number is not an integral multiple of three, the number nearest one-third) must retire and may offer themselves for re-election on a rotating basis. There are currently seven Directors of the Board and, as such, two Directors are required to retire.

Director Julie Laycock holds her current position as a Director of Club on a casual basis and, in accordance with clause 10.1(f) of the Club Constitution, is eligible to hold office until the day of the Annual General Meeting. Ms Laycock, being eligible, has offered herself for re-election as a Director.

In addition to Ms Laycock, the Director position of Mr Will Houghton QC will become vacant on the day of the Annual General Meeting. Mr Will Houghton QC, being eligible, has offered himself for re-election.

Nominations are invited for the two Director positions which become vacant on the day of the Annual General Meeting. Nominations for the two Director positions will be open for acceptance until 5.00pm on Tuesday, 8 November 2011. All nominees must be 2011 Voting Members of the Club and the nominations must also be signed by two 2011 Voting Members.

Potential nominees should be aware that due to the legal obligations imposed upon Directors, it will be necessary for any new Director to be subjected to enquiries necessary to ensure that the Director meets the criteria for Directors as set out in the Corporations Act 2001. Pursuant to Rule 10.1(c)(v) of the Constitution of the Club, all nominees must also execute an acknowledgment and undertaking regarding the provision of materials to, and contact with, the Members of the Club in relation to the director election process.

Nomination Forms and further information are available by enquiry to the Returning Officer, Andrew Harris at Harris Carlson Lawyers on (03) 8680 5380 or at