COLIN Garland talks to about his day, focusing on last Sunday’s clash against Fremantle at Subiaco Oval

Sunday, July 18, 2010

9am - We have been in Perth since Friday, which has given us a good chance to settle in to the different time zone and generally feel more comfortable in our surrounds. The alarm was set for 9am, giving myself enough chance to get down to breakfast, which in my case was a couple of pieces of toast, a bowl of cereal and a piece of fruit.

10am - After breakfast I took a quick stroll around the surrounds of the hotel, just to get the blood flowing a bit and to fully wake up.

The rest of the morning was spent keeping hydrated, stretching and discussing some specific things we wanted to implement in the day’s game. I will be playing mainly on Paul Hasleby when he’s forward but I may also get players like Michael Johnson, Nat Fyfe or even Matthew Pavlich when Frawlz (James Frawley) isn’t on.

12:30pm - Just before getting on the bus, I have a quick snack. Once I’ve finished it’s off to Subiaco to take on Fremantle.

After arriving at the ground, I put my name up to get some taping. I then go out onto the ground to check how the ground feels underfoot and what the weather conditions are like. Once back inside I get my ankle strapped. This is something I do each match, as I have had foot troubles in the past.

I then get changed into my warm-up gear, provided each week by our property steward Anthony Brown.

Then we have a team meeting with Bails (Dean Bailey). He normally just goes over previous points made during the week and our structures for the day’s game. We then break up into our individual line groups (backs, mids and forwards) and go over specific instructions in those groups.

1:30pm - It’s around an hour to go before the match and we are completing our main pre-game warm-up. We do some run-throughs and stretch our leg muscles.

Then we complete a couple of off-the-line sprints to get our bodies going.

Kicking drills in groups of three follows. We mix up the kicks to get the full variety - including off the ground, 45 degree cut and ‘pull the trigger’ kicks. We get into our line groups, with the backline group practicing some spoiling, switch kicks, drop of the ball techniques and some fast feet exercises.

After this, the backline and I kick the balls out as the other guys have some shots at goal. Then it’s back inside as a group.

Once back inside, it’s time to change into your guernsey, which includes putting your GPS on. Then we have around 6-8 minutes to ourselves.

After this, we do some handballing exercises indoors and then have one last minute talk from Bails, reiterating what he wants to see happen on the day.

2:30pm - We then run out through the banner and complete another run through, some handballing and some triangle goalkicking. This is followed by some more shots on goal.

We then get a partner and do some bumping and tackling. Then it’s time for the team huddle and some last words of advice from our captain Cameron Bruce.

2:40pm - Then it’s game time!

5:20pm - As the siren goes, I immediately feel really disappointed. We started shocking and at one point we were 44 points down. In the end we lose by 11 points, having missed some chances in the last quarter to take the lead.

After the game, we immediately complete our warm-down routine, which includes some leg exercises and stretches. We then weigh in, get a protein drink and some Powerade, so we can get some fluids in as quick as we can.

We head in for our post-match team meeting with Bails. He’s as disappointed as the playing group. We feel like we let a great opportunity for an interstate win slip through our fingers. We only have ourselves to blame as our start was again deplorable. He makes sure we understand that close enough isn’t good enough and that we can’t play one half and expect to win.

After the meeting we undertake our hot and colds - one minute hot and one minute in cold water on four occasions - then we shower, get changed into our compression tights and have something to eat. Today, it is spaghetti bolognaise and a muffin.

After talking to a few supporters, we get on the bus straight to the airport.

8:00pm - The boys are pretty sore, but luckily we don’t have to wait long until the planes takes off.

There is a bit of turbulence to start with, but other than that the boys try and stretch out as much as possible. Luckily, the plane isn’t that full, so there is plenty of room to move.

We land at around 1:30am Melbourne time. After I drop Jordie McKenzie home, it’s 2:30am when I arrive home.

It’s been a long disappointing day. As I lay down, I can’t help but think how good some of our young players are going to be.

I set my alarm for the next morning because the preparation for Sydney begins tomorrow.