At the conclusion of St Kilda Football Club’s first Open Training Session for the pre-season, the playing team were invited to meet a very special boy named Josh Stuart.
At the age of 1, Josh was badly burnt and as a result has to wear a glove over his left hand. When Josh was old enough to dress himself, he refused to wear a glove unless it was one in St Kilda Football Club colours.
The Club was very pleased the manufacturers of burn gloves were able to design a specialised glove just for him after a request from the Royal Childrens Hospital, and he has been wearing it ever since without a worry.
As a thank you for his support and to recognise his bravery, the Saints invited Josh and his family to open training to watch his favourite team and to meet his favourite players.
Yesterday, all players in attendance signed Josh’s jumper for him and posed for photos with the tough youngster.
Speedy forward Stephen Milne in particular was in admiration of Josh.
“Meeting someone like Josh really humbles you. To see someone that’s been through so much still have so much energy and excitement is fantastic.”
“Our supporters are amazing and it’s awesome to put a smile on their face, like Josh, by simply shaking their hand,” reflected Milne.
Josh was unable to wipe the smile off his face after meeting his mighty Sainters and ran to the car straight away to tell his dad all about it.
His mother, Emma, said he had spoken about the big day at show and tell for the past week.
After the big day, Josh had no problems putting his glove on in the morning after Leigh Montagna told him "only the cool kids wear gloves."
The St Kilda Football Club would like to thank Josh and his family for attending the Open Training Session and wish him all the best in his recovery.