A REVIEW of football in regional Victoria has recommended major changes be made to the way the game is governed and resourced.

The key finding of the review - led by AFL Victoria chairman Peter Jackson - is that the 84-year-old Victorian Country Football League should be disbanded at the end of 2012.

Jackson recommends the VCFL merge with AFL Victoria "to achieve efficiencies in head office resources, by eliminating duplication of resources to free up funds to employ more resources directly in the regions".

"[My recommendations are] not about a takeover of country football by the AFL or any other sole governing body," Jackson said when his review was released at the VCFL's headquarters at Visy Park in Carlton on Friday.

"They are designed to provide a more strategic focus, more effective decision-making and greater collaboration in each region, something that does not exist at present, but something that is essential for the vibrancy of the game in the future."

The VCFL currently oversees 82 leagues, 702 clubs, 2,867 teams and around 78,000 players (that equates to 12 per cent of all players in Australia).

As well as boasting 16,364 NAB AFL Auskick participants, VCFL-affiliated clubs have provided 22 per cent of the draftees into the AFL since 1997.

Jackson, a former Essendon chief executive, spent four months travelling through regional Victoria, and spoke to countless people involved in the game during that period.

His work has so far drawn cautious support from the VCFL.

"The report's findings and subsequent recommendations had been compiled after all affected stakeholders were provided with an opportunity to provide input into the review," VCFL chief executive Steven Reaper said.
The VCFL executive and board members will discuss the review at their next board meeting in late October.

Jackson's review states:

"The overall conclusion drawn by the review team is that, irrespective of how the VCFL or AFL Victoria are seen to be operating now, country football needs a change of governance structures to provide greater strategic focus, more effective decision-making at a regional level, and an investment of resources directly in regions.

"Until this happens, the AFL Development objectives will not be achieved across country Victoria.

"There is a view by some within various levels of football governing bodies, that clubs and leagues are very resilient. Despite the challenges, they will find a way to keep things going. This is true to a degree, but there are cracks in the system, and they need to be repaired.

"Planning for changes to governance structures and the commencement to invest in new resources needs to start now."

If an agreement to make the proposed changes can be reached between AFL Victoria and the VCFL, a steering committee, with Jackson as its head, will be set up to oversee the process.

Jackson envisages the changes being in place for the 2013 football season, and AFL chief executive Andrew Demetriou has supported this timetable.

"I want to thank Peter Jackson and his team for all their work in doing this review to ensure we have in place the right structures and proper resources, so that country football remains strong for generations to come," Demetriou said.

In all, the review made 25 recommendations. They include:
•    The establishment of central administration hubs to oversee the administration of all major leagues in regional Victoria.
•    Appoint independent commissioners to oversee all central administration hubs.
•    Fourteen region development managers currently employed by AFL Victoria to be re-allocated under the supervision of the regions, responsible for the collaborative development of junior football and pathways, as well as greater engagement levels in NAB AFL Auskick and schools.
•    Employ up to an additional 17 community and club development officers in all regions to complement the four area managers currently employed by the VCFL (21 people in total to directly support leagues and clubs in country football).
•    The cash and assets of the VCFL to be transferred to AFL Victoria used as an initial fund for facilities grants to country regions.
•    Develop integrated statewide umpire and volunteer programs.
•    Develop a talent program to cater for young men 18-23 years old not initially drafted to the AFL  in their final TAC Talent Program year.
•    Develop an integrated strategic relationship with Netball Victoria to strengthen and grow both sports in country Victoria.