As I tune into the game via the web, from here in London, I can't help being filled with a sense of excitement and nervousness. Is this the year for the Bombers? Some would highly doubt it, but I hold a strong faith in the boys of 2004 and I'll tell you why.

It appears injury woes are fading and the bombers are regaining some of their former strength shown in 1993 and 2000.

When you hear about the brilliance of Hird from week to week, the development of Adam McPhee, and the rise of young stars like Nathan Lovett-Murray it's hard to deny the bombers are returning to their former glory. Added with the inclusions of the Johnson boys, McVeigh and Ramanaskas, the Bombers look to be set for a strong year.

I do hold some fears for the boys this week against the likes of Adelaide, given recent form in the South Australian State. But if they can build upon performances of recent weeks and remain hard at the ball, they are bound to prevail, especially given the fact they are armed with a supercoach in Sheedy.

A note on "the man": Sheeds. A true character of the game, Sheedy without fail keeps the opposition guessing every week. If he's not waving a jacket over his head, he's letting fly with some mischievous comments, bound to raise some controversy in the papers, but all in all, it's only in the spirit of the game! Come game day though, Sheeds adopts that all too familiar hard faced stare and demands perfection of his army, so if anyone is to find the inspiration to get our boys over the line this week it is he.

With the bombers at 5-2, regaining quality players on a weekly basis, and really starting to find some form, now is the time they need to go on with it. A win in Adelaide this week shall prove to the football public they are a quality side and destined for greatness this year.

Critics of the Bombers beware, you may be on the bandwagon in the coming weeks as the Bombers take off.

Good luck this week fellas.