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Or to put it another way...


You don’t have to be Jacques Cousteau to appreciate the need for depth.
But nobody understood it better than the cheese eating surrender sea monkey.
You may not be aware of this but in his spare time Cousteau was president of Le Noir Et Blanc and was pretty hardcore. He used to translate this column, Chaud Pomme, for his beret wearing buddies all the time.

In fact Jacky Boy was all over it  like spots on grandma.
The concept not the family matriarch.

So when your number one ruckman, The Thin White Duke, takes a rostered day off leaving the exciting eight game veteran (Brisbane games count for foutre tout at Spud Central) Cam Wood to take on the Saints two midfield mastodons – Gardiner and King, you better have some depth in the ruck department.

Enter the Bryanoceros!!!

Long suffering Spudsters will know I’ve been a bigger fan than Mistrel of the Bryno.
I just love watching him.
And I just love his meet and greet style of football.

Bryno is to ruckwork what Anthony Mundine is to literature.
He goes harder than quick dry cement.
His boots aren’t made by Adidas, they’re made by Kenworth.

Who doesn’t gasp at his beastly majesty every time footage of Bryno charging across
the Subiaco tundra towards goal in last year’s final is replayed?

And who didn’t gape in awe as the wild thing did his thing across the artificial plains of The Crypt on Fridee night?

Sadly, modern football is about as romantic as a Jane Austen novel is action packed.
And the basic laws of supermarket car parking spaces tell us three into two don’t go.
So should Frase return next week to take on the Cats there is every chance the Bryno will be put back in his holding pen until further notice.

So, on behalf of all Spudsters, I just wanted to take this opportunity to pay tribute to the man beast, le un homme equipe, Chris Bryan.

You were a key player in our much needed victory.
And we salute you good sir!

However, if Josh doesn’t get up for the Cat clash, there’s no need to worry.
Well not unless you are a Geelong ruckman!

Please note: the views expressed in the above article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Collingwood Football Club or employees of the club. The Collingwood Football Club would like to acknowledge the tireless work of its supporters who contribute to