St Kilda defender Sam Gilbert will be sporting a hairy upper lip when he returns to pre-season training this November, as he tries to emulate the great 'tache of former Saint Jeff Sarau in the spirit of raising money and awareness for Movember.

Gilbert said that he will be refraining from the razor and participating in Movember, but wasn’t confident in his moustache growing prowess.

“I’m getting into the spirit of Movember this month, it’s a great way to raise awareness for men’s health.”

“I’ll be growing a very dismal 'tache, but more importantly raising funds for a good cause,” added Gilbert.

With the Saints players due to return to the club for pre-season training next week, Gilbert said he will be asking his team mates to get involved and donate to the great cause.

“I’m hoping to hit up plenty of the boys for donations and get plenty of money into the Movember account and raise some funds for the foundation.”

Click here to donate to Sam Gilbert's Movember effort, for more information on Movember click here.

Stay tuned to for updates on Gilbert’s fundraising efforts and images of his moustache progress.