Michael Petruzzelli was the top tipper in round 19 as there are only three weeks left in the Toyota Crows Tipping competition.

A score of seven and a margin of 44 was enough for Michael to secure a Crows football signed by coach Neil Craig and captain Simon Goodwin, much to his delight. “Wow, me winning something is definitely a first!”

Michael is 141st in the overall ranking for the Crows competition on 97, which is currently being lead by John Machell on 105, followed closely by three others on 104.

‘Joburns’ leads the national competition on114, followed closely by four others on 112.

The weekly winner of the national competition receives $500 while the overall winner takes home $20,000.

The overall winner of the Toyota Crows Footy Tipping competition wins a framed guernsey signed by the entire 2010 playing squad and two tickets to the Crows Best and Fairest night in October.

Click here to visit the Toyota Crows Footy Tipping competition