My name is Chris DAWSON, Leading Senior Constable 29620, and I am a Youth Resource Officer at the Mornington Police Station. I have been working with young people in Primary and Secondary schools for 6 years, and know from experience how challenging it can be to speak to a large group of students and keep them interested. I personally know many of the Year 10 students in the audience at this morning’s “Beacon Foundation Pledge Ceremony” at Mornington Secondary College, as I worked with many of them last year as part of our “Victoria Police Youth Corps Program” (ie: “Police Cadets”), and I know that they can be a tough crowd. It is for this reason that I write to you to congratulate a great speaker who had the audience absolutely captivated: Leigh MONTAGNA. 

This morning, I attended the “Beacon Foundation Pledge Ceremony” at Mornington Secondary College, where Year 10 students pledged to do everything they can to find meaningful work after school and NOT go on the “dole”. They each signed a huge sail/banner, as a sign of that commitment. I was fortunate enough to hear Leigh MONTAGNA’s motivational talk to all of the Year 10 students during that ceremony. 

I was extremely impressed by the talk given by Leigh! He is a fantastic motivational speaker, and pitched his messages perfectly at the appropriate level for the students. Leigh speaks extremely well, is engaging and interesting to listen to, and his messages regarding motivation and short-term sacrifice to achieve long-term goals were absolutely spot-on. The experiences he spoke of in his own life, and the examples he gave to illustrate his points were excellent. He had all of the students, especially those boys who are not ordinarily attentive or engaged, hanging off his every word – Something I was very envious of! And it was all done “from the heart”, and not from any notes – Very impressive!

This morning, Leigh proved himself to be a very powerful positive male role-model, and he possesses a maturity far in excess of his age. He is an absolute credit to himself, football in general, and especially the St Kilda Football Club. He was very professional in answering some curly questions, too! I applaud him for using his influence in the community in such a positive way to help other young people. I particularly congratulate the St Kilda Football Club for allowing Leigh to perform such an important role in the community, amidst all of his other professional duties.

 Again, I thank and congratulate Leigh MONTAGNA and the St Kilda Football Club for attending Mornington Secondary College today, and delivering such a powerful and relevant presentation to the students. I can assure you that all of the “invited guests” I was seated with were most impressed by Leigh’s delivery and content. Having worked closely with this school for almost two years now, I know that Mornington Secondary College is a school that is extremely community-orientated and has therefore greatly valued the input you have provided from such a well-respected community organisation.

Please pass on my personal thanks and congratulations to Leigh, and I hope that he continues this type of motivational speaking in the community for a long time, as he is very good at it, and this type of “You can do it!” positive motivation is so important to young people today, many of whom are very disillusioned and disengaged.

I trust that a copy of this letter of appreciation might be placed on Leigh’s personnel file, as recognition of his great work and talent. Please do not hesitate to contact me on the above number if you wish to speak further about this.

Yours sincerely,

Leading Senior Constable 29620.
Youth Resource Officer.