The North Melbourne Football Club has finalised enquiries regarding its players and their involvement with the Facebook group ‘The Brocial Network’.

The club is now in a position to advise six of its players in total were added to the group without their consent.

After being added to the group, two players, Jack Ziebell and Robbie Tarrant, then added the other players to the group without the consent of those players.

No player at any stage added any photos or left any comments on the group’s page.

The club has spoken to the players involved and accepts Jack Ziebell and Robbie Tarrant’s explanation for their actions in that they were not fully aware of the group’s offensive nature or purpose when they added other players.

Both players have acknowledged their actions were inappropriate given the nature of the group and regret adding the other players without their consent.

The players removed themselves from the group immediately after realising its offensive nature.

The North Melbourne Football Club finds the Facebook group inappropriate and offensive.

The club will make no further comment on this matter.