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Or to put it another way……….


I don’t know about you dear Spudsters but the third quarter on Satdee arvo gave this little black ‘n’ white duck a warm fuzzy feeling – a bit like peeing in a wet suit but a tad more euphoric.
It was like a trip down memory lane - circa 2002/2003.

And what memories they were.
Back then Todd McKinney used to take lazy afternoon naps in public parks and nobody noticed.
John Howard was “The Man Of Steel” (we all know now that if Georgie Junior had his time over he’d declare the man with two names John Jack Anthony to be the one and only MOS. Hindsight is a wonderful thing………but not as wonderful as Hine’s sight!)
In those days Paul Medhurst was just an annoying little Freo player.
And Jumping Jason Cloke was third man up at stoppages and boundary throw ins punching everything quicker than you could say “Can I have your autograph Russell Crowe”.

Those were the days indeed.
Stunning Steve and Jason Cloke.
A tandem so random that Mr Malthouse almost won a premiership with it.

So you can imagine my delight to see young Shannon Cox leaping over the ruck contests all third quarter long and thumping the Tommy Sherrin forward with great effect.
It wasn’t just a blast from the past.
It was the blast the Pies desperately needed for the now (which of course was then……errrr, you know what I mean)

You didn’t have to be Britney Spears to go crazy when on the vinegar stroke of the third term Coxy rose above the pack to fist the Tommy straight into Daisy Thomas’ mits who then one stepped a game defining 50 metre goal that ensured, when the Crows pushed one last time, that the Mighty Fightin’ Pies had enough buff in their buffer to not hand over the lead.

The rest, as they say, is history.
And should be confined to it!!

They didn’t give out trophies the last time we won an Elimination Final and nothing has changed since then.

I’ve got no idea what Coxy has tattooed on his arm but I hope it says “Only a flag will do.”

Come to think of it, they should all get that tattooed on their bodies.

But enough pillow talk, on to this week’s predictions…….

In a night of firsts dear Spudsters
- Leon Davis will scoop up the ball on the run in BOTH hands!
- Beyonce will miss an 80 metre shot, on the run (running backwards that is) from the boundary and then kick a goal from directly in front 5 metres out!
- John Jack Anthony will almost MISS a set shot…….almost.
- And in a spontaneous outpouring of emotion after The Dawes kicks his fifth, the crowd will burst into a rendition of “Come on baby light my fire.”

Pies to win by 15.
Beyonce BOG.

Cor Blimey!!!

Please note: the views expressed in the above article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Collingwood Football Club or employees of the club. The Collingwood Football Club would like to acknowledge the tireless work of its supporters who contribute to